October 07, 2003

Total recall 2003

My home state of California goes to the polls today in a recall election that looks like a race between sitting Governor Gray Davis and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

CNN reports on both candidates’ last day of campaigning. Arnie was out around San Bernardino; here’s his final pitch from the stump.

The choices tomorrow are very simple. Do you want to go backwards with Gray Davis, or do you want to go forward with Arnold? Tomorrow is the people versus the politicians.
I’m for Arnie but with reservations. There’s been a lot of dirt thrown about Schwarzenegger’s past, particularly his treatment of women. None of it seems to have done much harm to his chances, though some of it is undoubtedly true.

Roger L Simon says it best.

He's about as imperfect as you can get, except for one thing in his favor --he hasn't spent his life as a politician. Perhaps when he gets to Sacramento he will remember why he was sent there and apply an intelligent amateur's common sense (and a little of his movie charisma) to moving the State of California in a postive direction. I also hope he will abjure party politics and stick with the kind of pragmatism for which many of us voters would be electing him.
If Schwarzenegger gets elected, he’ll carry a lot of public expectation into office. If he can’t provide the strong pragmatic leadership needed to address the budget deficit, he might quickly find himself in trouble.

If you want some background on the election Citizen Smash has the answers to some frequently asked questions.