March 23, 2008

Pardon my French

I haven't visited Un Swissroll for a while but going there today, I notice that François Brutsch has a review of the XO up at Domaine Public. I think he likes it.

Already in use in Nigeria, Brazil and Thailand, bought by the governments of Uruguay and Peru for their schools and set for distribution in Mongolia, Afghanistan, Haiti and Rwanda - the XO is destined to rank as a masterpiece of design, on a par with the Apple Macintosh and the CFF station clock: the dream of "a $100 dollar computer" for the children of the Third World has arrived.
That's my translation, so I can't really vouch for its accuracy. Still, if your French is as bad as (or indeed, worse than) mine*, François' prose is robust enough to survive automatic translation.

[* I'm forced to tell any Francophone who, momentarily dazzled by my masterful deployment of a stock phrase or two, compliments me on my command of the language: Ah, oui. Je parle français très bien, mais je comprends rien.]