I never finished my masters degree. The simple answer: I couldn't reconcile the demands of raising a family and working full-time in a demanding job with the level of work even a part-time MBA requires.
I managed to keep up the first two years. Most of the material wasn't new to me - I could probably have made a reasonable job of teaching a couple of the units. And I turned out some work that wasn't half bad. I passed the exams without too much trouble; I was doing better than most, not as well as some.
The real problem came in my final year. I couldn't find anyone to supervise my dissertation, and neither my tutors nor my employers were at all supportive of my chosen topic. As I remember it, a couple of them were downright hostile.
Why am I talking about this now? Well, because today, tidying the study and sorting out a pile of old books to take to the local charity shop, I came across some of my old research notes.
Will I ever finish my dissertation? I don't know. But it's nagging at me now. That old box of notes, sitting there neglected in the corner, is looking at me accusingly: "Quitter! Why don't you finish what you started?"
Maybe one day I will.