April 14, 2008

Meter and Seuss

I recently came across an old post at Parlando that told me a couple of things I didn't know about Dr Seuss:-
While most of Seuss's books are either uniformly anapestic or iambic-trochaic, a few mix triple and double rhythms. Thus, for instance, Happy Birthday to You is generally written in anapestic tetrameter, but breaks into iambo-trochaic meter for the "Dr. Derring's singing herrings" and "Who-Bubs" episodes.
[H]is name is properly pronounced "Soyce" -- that is, it's the way he pronounced it -- but since his parents were German and it's his own middle name, it makes sense.
It does, but I can't bring myself to pronounce it that way - he'll always be Dr Zeus to me.