April 09, 2008

Political trade

Following Mark Penn's departure from the the Clinton camp over free trade, (according to George Will, "Mark Penn's sin was to be caught doing something sensible, surreptitiously"), Daniel Koffler at Snarksmith has a few choice words to say about both candidates' anti-NAFTA rhetoric:-

Granted, Clinton is a politician trying to win an election, and to win she'll have to win over some portion of the voters who are firmly convinced that NAFTA is the cause of the 30-40 year decline of the manufacturing sector. That doesn't mean she had to adopt ignorant nativism as a core value.
Barack Obama doesn't have clean hands either. His campaign has been milking the Penn story for all it's worth, today taking the escalating step of calling upon, of all people, Jimmy Hoffa Jr. as a moral authority. Excuse me, but tighter control of unions by corrupt, mobbed-up dynasties is not change you can believe in.
Read the whole thing.