I’ve rearranged my sidebar and added some new links, three Brits and an Aussie.
Alan Brain in Canberra is the Aussie. His blog A E Brain touches on a wide range of subjects including “software development, space, politics, and interesting URLs”.
Alan also contributes to the Command Post and he was centrally involved in what for me was the blog event of the war: the real-time blogging, in both posts and comments, of CNN’s coverage of Brent Sadler’s entry into Tikrit on April 13.
A word of warning: if you visit Alan’s site, stay away from the rotating snakes. I still have a migraine.
Alice Bachini demonstrates what a program of rigorous goal-oriented self-empowerment can achieve. She’s visited the States, has a nice new site and a Blockbuster card. Now she’s decided to become a millionaire. Good luck to her. Alice is a delightful read and I get the feeling that all the money in the world wouldn’t change that.
Here are some American impressions from her recent visit.
Normblog is the work of Norman Geras, a professor at Manchester University’s Department of Government and a prolific writer. His research interests include the moral philosophy of socialism, normative political theory and crimes against humanity. He writes on all three in his blog but he covers a lot of other ground.
Somebody once told me Norm's a Marxist. Ignore the label, read the blog.
Here’s Normblog on America.
I’ve been reading Oliver Kamm since he started blogging in August. My views are probably a long way from his on a lot issues but, in the last week or so, he’s scored bulls-eyes on four deserving targets: Pilger, Chomsky, Monbiot and Herold. I appreciate his points and I like his style.
I thought this piece of his was noteworthy: “Trade campaigning and associated fallacies”. It's about free trade and the harm done by NGO’s. For a while, I was peripherally involved in development finance and I came face to face with a lot of the nonsense he describes. One day I'll blog about it.
Anyway, there are four new links in the sidebar. They’re all good reads for different reasons. If you haven’t visited these people already, drop by and check them out.