I've been too busy to blog the last couple of days, and when I haven't been busy, Ive been dead dog tired - the boys has been home from school with a virus that's been doing the rounds and I've been struggling with the domestics.
But I have managed to follow the increasing frenzy over Jyllands-Posten and the Mohammed cartoons (there’s already a detailed Wikipedia entry). I'm hoping I'll get time to post on it later today but who knows?
In the meantime:
There’s a lot of comment in the Guardian including Sarah Joseph’s pitiful bid for victim status - Tim Worstall has the perfect antidote.
Condition Orange: The Religious Policeman warns us that the Muslim "Offense Level" has been raised.
Our Lady of Cultural Differences: The Brussels Journal digs up an artwork that subverts Christian iconography.
And Cox and Forkum add a cartoon of their own featuring some guy called Mohammed.