June 24, 2007

Glastonbury Festival

It's 20 years since I went to the Festival; I've only been the once. I was working security on Stage 2. It wasn't an onerous job - most of the festival goers I came across were too out of it to even think about causing any trouble. And I was working with a good bunch of people, so I generally had a good time. But the Festival itself left me cold.

All in all, I think Stephen Pollard gets it about right:
Do you long to free yourself from the shackles of convention? Do you gaze into space, bemoaning the fact that your life is one long obligation to family, work and friends? Are you panting with anticipation at the thought of this week’s Glastonbury Festival, knowing that for just a few days in the year you will be free to be yourself, free to commune with Nature and free to indulge in the hedonism you think life should really be about?

Then grow up.
Read the rest.