April 26, 2008

Some kind of dumb

From Punning Pundit yesterday at Dean's World - gleefuly riding the thin end of a wedge down a slippery slope towards the justification of political violence:-
[I]f you’re going to ask other people to die for things you believe are right, good, and just– shouldn’t you personally be able to take a cream pie to the face to explain the same? Politics ain’t bean bag, and war isn’t fluffy.
It's a diluted and deranged version of the chickenhawk argument: unless you are willing to subject yourself to physical assault, you shouldn't voice your political opinion. Ain't that just dandy!

But what about upping the ante? I mean, cream pies only slap at the problem; bullets solve it. Right, Pundit?

I'm glad to see some of the other Dean's World contributors taking issue with such nonsense: Naftali's (somewhat hurried) post about it, on DW's frontpage today, is receiving plenty of comment.