December 04, 2003

Moaning & groaning

I haven’t posted recently because my time has been taken up with other things. Sick children, a leaky roof and then, yesterday, Mac’s car was stolen for the second time in six weeks. The same night, the trailer parked outside the house had its tires slashed.

It’s not my intention to turn this blog into an intermittent personal journal but, really, things seem to be getting a little out of hand here. Since the summer, Mac’s car has been vandalized on a regular basis; wing-mirrors smashed, trim torn off, that sort of thing. In addition to the two recent thefts, there have been two unsuccessful attempts to steal the car.

If I was given to paranoia, I’d be starting to believe we were being victimized. As it is, I’m rapidly coming to the conclusion that we’re living in the wrong place. I’ve just about had it with the car crime, street crime, lousy service, dog dirt and wet weather.

I want to go home.