October 05, 2003


I’ve been busy again this last week, so Sunday morning finds me catching up with my blog links.

I haven’t heard a bleat from Lileks since Wednesday, Alice Bachini is busy and Dailee is taking a break until the end of October; both Rachel Lucas and Stephen Green had nightmares a while back and are also on a blog-break. Michele gets the dreams but keeps right on blogging.

On the plus side: The Indepundit is back, as Lt Cmdr Smash hangs up his uniform and Scott returns to civilian life. A grateful nation clicks and reads.

Elsewhere this weekend:

Alan Brain wants to know what we can do about North Korea.
Norm Geras has a couple of poems by Sophie Hannah.
Susanna at Cut on the Bias is talking family history and the North/South divide.
Natalie Solent reminds us of President Carter’s bungled response to the Iran hostage crisis.
David Adesnik at Oxblog nominates Oswaldo Paya for the Nobel Peace Prize.
Tim Blair points to the French quagmire in Ivory Coast.

And, if all the bad news gets too much for you, Saturday's Winds of Change has only good news: Shabbat Shalom.