September 03, 2003

Identity politics

Roger L Simon remembers:

Back in the Sixties and Seventies, there was an important rationale to “Brown Power,” “Black Power,” “Yellow Power,” “Gay Pride,” “Sisterhood is Powerful” and the rest. Self-respect was necessary to effect change.

But those days are over. Sure there are plenty of racists and sexists still around but the consensus of society is such things are a no go. Say it loud and say it proud: “Identity Politics is now reactionary!”
I wholeheartedly agree. In a society that accepts diversity, a social identity based entirely on race or membership of a minority is a stale choice.

Thirty to forty years ago that choice might have put you at the forefront of a movement for equal rights and justice. Nowadays it just makes you a member of one of a number of competing special interest groups.